Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Get ready to Wiggle

If clothes make the man then it follows that the skivvy make The Wiggle.
Simply put on the yellow skivvy and you can become the Yellow Wiggle.
It worked for Greg Page and it's now working equally well for Sam Moran.
It does help if you are a young male, can hold a tune and have dark hair but as the success of the international Wiggles franchises has proven it's the skivvy that's the key.
It could be said that the fact that the audience is aged under four helps, but it's more complicated than that.
Wiggles inc is as much about appealing to the parents as it is about appealing to the kids.
We are the ones who buy the DVDs, the clothing, the Bandaids, biscuits and the list goes on.
Truth is that mothers have created The Wiggles empire not the toddlers.
We like The Wiggles because they give us freedom to do other things knowing that the kids are happily occupied - and because the music doesn't make us want to put our head under a heavy pillow. Anthony's cheeky smile helps too
So as the new Wiggle Dancing DVD released this week proves, The Wiggles will go on without Greg without missing a beat.
The Wiggles is bigger than any one individual.
It's the skivvy that counts

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